Saturday, September 26, 2015

Pope Music

The new Pope has been on a tear for the past two years. If ever the term "Hope and Change" can aptly be used, it would be for His Holiness. He is fundamentally transforming the Roman Catholic institution' thinking (not doctrines but attitudes) with some of the most liberal and progressive views. Here are a sample of his recent stances on various issues:

a) Global Warming - Pope Francis has blamed human selfishness for global warming in his long-awaited encyclical calling for action on climate change (Reference - Link )

b) in July 2013,  “If a homosexual person is of good will and is in search of God, I am no one to judge… it is not right to interfere spiritually in the life of a person.” (Reference - Link )

c) On Atheism - Pope Francis rocked some religious and atheist minds when he declared that everyone was redeemed through Jesus, including atheists (Reference - Link )

d) Abortion - Pope Francis opened a special, temporary, "mercy" window to make it easier for women who have abortions and confess to get back into the full good graces of the church (Reference - Link )

Don't get me wrong he is NOT a liberal, and the softening of his positions on key issues opens up an opportunity for a conversation in change within an institution that has been long criticized as anachronistic. He still has to make significant changes in multiple areas such as improving the response to the pedophilia charges, contraception, female priests to name a few. As Jorge Ramos of Univision put it, " He has delivered style but not substance (yet)"

That brings me to Free Market Capitalism. Here is a quote from Yr-2013:
[S]ome people continue to defend trickle-down theories which assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably succeed in bringing about greater justice and inclusiveness in the world. This opinion, which has never been confirmed by the facts, expresses a crude and naive trust in the goodness of those wielding economic power and in the sacra­lized workings of the prevailing economic system.”

Over the past two years, on numerous occasions the Pope has been very vocal of the "evils of capitalism" and the "Free Market" comparing "Unbridled Capitalism" as the "Dung of the Devil"

So what does all this mean to our stateside Conservatives. Clearly such positions are in conflict with our country's right wing/conservative viewpoints. From a fiscal standpoint clearly his positions on Free Market makes our conservatives squirm, but his take on social and environmental issues really has the conservatives in an uproar.

As an outside observer of this there is a certain element of schadenfreude in watching this unravel. For years the conservatives felt they had the backing of the Church on key social issues (read - marriage, abortion, contraception etc.). Now here comes a Pope who is no longer interested in having the traditional conversations on social issues but rather would like to bring wealth inequality and climate change to the forefront of the conversation. In other words (quoting the right wing talk radio clowns) he is a "Marxist"

So here is how a typical conversation goes:
- "Climate change is a fact" there is a broad consensus amongst almost all scientific institutions around the world
- " How can u say that? there was a scientist in the UK who was "fudging" his research and it has been proven to be a hoax
- "Yes! that was one person and he was discredited BUT there still remains the fact that there is broad consensus"
- I don't believe it for the following reasons - climate has changed before; it has actually been colder in the past few years; increasing CO2 has no effect; they said we will pass point of no return but we didn't...."
- "OK but let me reiterate - consensus is broad; proof is real and even the Pope has called it out as one of the most important issues of our time"
- (quoting Santorum)" “The pope ought to stay with his job, and we’ll stay with ours,”

Rick Santorum, a devout Catholic and a long-shot contender for the Republican nomination, told a Philadelphia radio station: “The church has gotten it wrong a few times on science, and I think we probably are better off leaving science to the scientists and focusing on what we’re good at, which is theology and morality.”

So riddle me this:
- We cannot take direction from the Pope on matters related to science since that should be left to the scientist. 
- We cannot take direction from the Pope on matters of wealth and free markets since that should be left to the Economists
- But we should take direction from the Pope on contraception related matters since that cannot be left to the doctors or health care specialists?

The answer cannot be cause it is in the good book....cause the good book is very specific about charity; greed and wealth. So then where does this hypocrisy originate from?

The answer - it is the conservative "bubble". The beauty of this bubble is it is impenetrable to logic, reason and rational thought. The bubble is fed by a steady diet of talking points from the right wing radio and television outlets. While the so called conservative pundits are getting rich pandering the same weak talking points, the poor saps who listen to them are struggling to enter or stay in the middle class. Actual Example - One of the conservative talk show hosts allege that Boehner's resignation was timed to coincide with the Pope's arrival so he can spend the last month of his term executing Obama's remaining Marxist agenda. All this because Boehner was instrumental in bringing the Pope stateside. 
How do you argue against such idiocy?

Maybe the Pope's visit to the US is a positive harbinger of change to conservative attitudes. Or maybe I should look out the window and see if pigs are flying.

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